This information confirms the mysterious legend of the Ramayana, recorded to have taken place in the Treta Yuga (more than 1,700,000 years ago). At that time the inhabitants in the world were much more spiritual than they are today.
In this epic, a bridge is discussed which was built between India and Sri Lanka under the supervision of Rama, considered to be an Incarnation of God. Rama went to Sri Lanka to save his wife Sita who had been abducted by Ravana, a demonic king of the era who terrorized the religious people in India.
The reason that God manifest Himself as Rama was to rid the world of Ravana who was terrorizing religious souls. These religious ones were the ones that prayed to God, beseeching Him to protect them. In early Indian literature, there are periods of history written about that contain multiples of 432,000 years. According to the Vedic system 1,000 Yuga cycles equals One Day of Brahma. The lengths of “time” in the Satya, Treta, Dvapura and Kali yugas are 4, 3, 2, and 1 times an interval of 432,000 years.
Within these immense periods of time the human life span decreases from 100,000 years in the Satya-yuga (the Golden Age), to 10,000 years in the Treta-yuga (the Silver Age), 1,000 years in the Dwapura-yuga (the Bronze Age), and finally 100 years in the Kali-yuga (the Iron Age). All these numbers are multiples of 108, the number of beads in Eastern prayer necklaces. Rama lived in the Treta Yuga.
A Yuga cycle consists of four yugas, or 4.32 million years. A thousand yuga cycles equals One Day of Brahma or 4.32 billion years.
It is told that in the Satya Yuga everyone had God consciousness. In the Treta Yuga it dropped to 75%; in the Dwapara Yuga it dropped to 50% and in the Kali Yuga (this age) it dropped down to 25%.It has been believed that there is no evidence to determine the dates of events in the Ramayanic era. Some historians of the past even refuse to acknowledge that Rama and other characters from the Ramayana even existed. However, Sage Valmiki has recorded the dates if events in detail, albeit by describing the positions of stars and planets. To decipher the astronomical encodings has not been a trivial task, and not many have attempted to do so. It should be noted that the ancient Indians had a prefect method of time measurement. They recorded the ‘tithis‘, days according to the nakshatra on which the moon prevailed, the months, the seasons and even the different Solstices. By therefore noting a particular arrangement of the astronomical bodies, which occur once in many thousand years, the dates of the events can be calculated. The correct astronomical records goes to show that Valmiki’s has chronicled an account of a true story and also, that the an advanced time measurement system was known to the Hindus (Indians) atleast 9000 years ago.
Mahabharat states that Sage Vishwamitra started counting nakshatras from Shravana (Aadiparva A.71 and Ashwamedha A.44) and a new reference to time measurement thus initiated. According to the old tradition, the first place was assigned to the nakshatra prevelant on the Vernal Equinox. Vishwamitra modified this and started measuring from the nakshatra at the Autumnal Equinox. Sharvan was at this juncture at about 7500 B.C, which is therefore the probable period when Vishwamitra existed and also that of the Ramayanic Era.
Formerly, the year initiated with the Varsha-Rutu (season) and therefore was termed “Varsha“. Ramayan shows that the flag was being hoisted to celebrate the new year on Ashwin Paurnima (Kishkindha 16/37, Ayodhya 74/36). Ayodhya 77 mentions that the flags were defaced and damaged due to heat and showers. These descriptions point to the fact that their new year started on the Summer Solstice when heat and rain simultaneously exist. The Summer Solstice fell on Ashwin Full Moon, so the Sun was diagonally opposite at Swati nakshatra. This astral configuration can be calculated to have occured around 7400 B.C.
Kishkindha 26-13 describes the commencement of the rainy season. In shloka 14, refers to Shravan as “Varshika Poorva Masa“. Kishkindha 28/2 clearly shows that the rainy season began in Bhadrapada Masa. Further description “Heated by the Sun and showered by new waters, the earth is expelling vapours” (Kish.26/7) points to Bhadrapada as premonsoon. Kish.28/17 tells that there was alternate sun-shine and shadowing by the clouds. Kish.28/14 describes the on-coming rainy season. Thus Bhadrapada was the month of pre-monsoon, that is before 21st June or Summer Solstice. Naturally, months of Ashwin and Kartika formed the rainy season. It is therefore concluded that Ashwin Full Moon coincided with Summer Solstice, that year being 7400 B.C.
Now we shall proceed with the astral route. Valmiki records the birth of Rama as Chaitra Shuddha Navami (9th), on Punarvasu Nakshatra and five plants were exalted then; Sun in Mesha upto 10 deg., Mars in Capricorn at 28 deg., Jupiter in Cancer at 5 deg., Venus in Pisces at 27 deg. and Saturn in Libra at 20 deg. (Bala Kanda.18/Shloka 8,9).
Ayodhya 4/18 states that Sun, Mars and Rahu were at Dasharatha’s nakshatra. It was the month of Chaitra, so the Sun was in Revati, Ashwini or Bharani. Naturally, either Rahu and Ketu was in any one of these nakshatra (Rahu and Ketu are diagonally opposite).
The planetary positions on 16th October 5561 B.C., the date of commencement of the Mahabharat War, have been calculated and known .here are the exact calculated dates and time line of ramayana.
15th November 7292 B.C was then Phalguna Amavasya. Valmiki states that Ravan came out for the last battle on the Amavasya day (Yudh. 93/66) and was killed. In the description of the battle, Sage Valmiki writes, “Kosala’s nakshatra Vishakha is aspected by Mars” (Yudh. 103/37). The annual motion of Mars is 191.405 degrees. In 14 years, it will progress by 159.58 degrees. At the time of Rama’s exile, Mars was at 303 deg. 159 deg. added to this provides Mars at 102 deg. in Pushya. From Pushya Mars could cast its fourth-sight on Vishakha. So, the calculations presented so far seem to be correct. It also shows Valimiki’s minute observations and time recording capabilities. Thus the date of the last battle of the War is 15th November 7292 B.C.
Following are the dates of few events from the Ramayana:
Rama's Birth Date 4th December 7323 B.C
Rama-Seeta Married 7th April 7307 B.C
Rama Exiled 29th November 7306 B.C.
Hanuman enters Lanka 1st September 7292 B.C
Hanuman meets Seeta 2nd September 7292 B.C.
Seetu (Bridge) built 26-30th Oct. 7292 B.C
on the ocean
The War begins 3rd November 7292 B.C
Kumbhakarna is killed 7th November 7292 B.C.
Ravana is killed by Rama 15th November 7292 B.C.
Rama returns to Ayodhya 6th December 7272 B.C.
Rama started forest-exile in Chaitra and ended it in Chaitra. He was coronated in the same month and one month later, proceeded to Ashokavan with Seeta (Uttar 41/18) when the Shishira Rutu terminated. So it seems that Vaishakha Masa coincided with Shishira. So the Winter Solstice was at Vaishakha with the Sun at Ashwini. At present, the Winter Solstice takes place at Moola. Thus a shift of 10 nakshatras has occured since the Ramayanic Era. Precession has a rate of 960 years per nakshatra. Therefore, Ramayan must have occured 9600 years ago, which is 7600 B.C approximately.
“Ram was and is for real. He was born on January 10, 5561 BC,” As an amateur historian, I’ve always been interested in Indian culture and heritage. I am proud that we’re Indians and the products of one of the oldest civilisations. However, British rule changed us; we developed a sense of being somehow inferior.
But I could never reconcile to theories like the theory of Aryan invasion to India in 1500 BC. That would make Indian civilization only 3,500 years old.
And if you choose archaeology to dig beyond 7,000 years, you’d have to dig more than 60 metres - something not being done in India as yet. So, archaeology is not the only answer. There’s a lot of objective research of another kind that needs to be carried out in earnest.
So, how can we say Ram was born on January 10, 5561 B.C?
precise details of planetary positions vis-à-vis zodiac constellations described by Maharishi Valmiki in the Valmiki Ramayan, it is possible to determine important dates starting from Shri Ram’s birth-date to the date of his return to Ayodhya.
The results have not just thrown up Shri Ram’s date of birth; it has actually traced the entire sequence of incidents throughout Ramayan. Valmiki Ramayan states Ram was 25-years-old when he went to exile. When the configuration of planets described at this point is fed into the software, the date thrown up matches perfectly with Ram’s age at that juncture of his life - 25 years.
Again in the 13th year of Ram’s exile, during a war with Khar and Dushan, Valmiki describes a solar eclipse. The software proves that on that given day there was indeed a solar eclipse (with Mars in the middle). This solar eclipse and the particular configuration of planets could be seen from Panchavati (longitude and latitude plainly
Hanuman Saw 8 Constellations while flying to Lanka…
In the Sunderkand, when Valmiki describes Hanuman crossing the sea and returning from Lanka to Rameshwaram, he gives details of 8 constellations. Usually, one can see not more than 6 constellations at a given point of time. But since Hanuman was flying across, and it must have taken him approximately 4 hrs to get there, he could see 8 constellations - in two hours one constellation would have moved out of sight and another become visible. So, in a period of 4 hrs he saw 8 constellations!
Historicising Shri Ram. Man or God…
After researching on Shri Ram, I do believe he’s a man who walked the earth in flesh and blood. There is an essential difference between the Valmiki Ramayana and the Tulsi Ramayana. Tulsidas was a devotee who looked up to Ram, but Valmiki was a contemporary. Valmiki has written Ram’s life-history, as a biographer does - he’s a contemporary of Ram, and this is not very different from what happens all over the world. Kings have always had their life-history written.
The submerged bridge…
Recently, NASA had put pictures on the Internet of a man-made bridge, the ruins of which are submerged in Palk Strait between Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka. This clearly should be treated as historical evidence that corroborates its mention in Valmiki Ramayana.
The puzzle of Indian history…
The presence of Ramayana, Mahabharata and Vedas cannot be explained by the short period between the decline of the Indus valley civilization and the Rig Vedic period. A civilization cannot suddenly burst into advanced writing.
There’s been a very strange development in the media and the people of India. We have started seeing ancient India as something equivalent to the word ‘Hindu’. The very word Hindu came into circulation only after the advent of Islam in India. In Ramayana and the Vedas , there is no mention of the word ‘Hindu’. At the most, there is only mention of terms like ‘Aryavrat’ or ‘Bharatvarsh’ and residents here are called as ‘Aryans’. Since centuries, Christians, Muslims, Sikhs have been living in this country and it’s their land as much as it is to a Hindu. Anything that has happened on this land in the past is their common heritage. But, unfortunately, politicians with vested interests have divided the people on artificial religious lines and making it appear that anything related to ancient India was perhaps related to Hindu, which is not the case and should not be the case.
There has never been any strong will…
It is not that researches have been not taken place. There has been excellent work done by noted historians like Sir Alexander Cunningham and Dr Lal. Cunningham has written as many as 21 volumes on ancient Indian history. But one needs special permissions to access these texts.
Unfortunately, Cunningham’s work that has very important information has not seen the light of the day. Dr. Lal has pictured the ancient city of Dwarka and it can be read in ‘The lost city of Dwarka’. He has listed out 1000 artifacts. Only 9 crores needed to be sanctioned by the government in placing a transparent tube to the sea-bed that could allow people to see for themselves the wonder that was Dwarka.
And now people equate the sum total of ancient history to ‘a temple or no-temple’ at Ayodhya. Delay in research also because science hadn’t arrived…
Without the aid of science it is practically impossible to manually calculate the exact planetary configuration 7, 000 years back. It is science which is going to validate our history and prove that it is much older than 3, 500 years.
What would be the implications of your research on the society?
I seriously feel that there can only be positive effects of my research. In fact, Indians should seriously re-look how old is our history and culture. This is not the end of the research; it’s just the beginning. People should be encouraged to do more in-depth research by all means such as archaeology, dating methods and oceanography.
Max Mueller had come up with the theory that Aryans had come to India in 1500 B.C. Indian history is much older than that period. It’s just that people have to open up their minds and find out the answers for themselves.

- A tablet found in the Mohenjodaro sites, dated 2600BC, depicts Lord Krishna.
- An Egyptian Pyramid, dated 3000 BC, has a verse from the Bhagavad Geeta.
- From Vishnu Puraan it is known that the Kali Age started on February 20, 3102 BC. Mahabharat occured, before the end of Dwapar, hence 3102 BC seems to be the lower limit for Mahabharat.
- Using the position of planets mentioned in Mahabharat, dates have been calculated for the great war. The great Aryabhatta calculated 3100 BC. Dr. Patnaik calculated October 16, 3138 BC. Dr. P.V. Vartak proves this date to be October 16, 5561 B.C.
At this point we can say that Mahabharat war occured latest in 3102 BC and earliest in 5561 BC. Considering this baseline for Mahabharat we calculate back in time …
Between Rama and Krishna there were about 60 kings. Say, each king ruled for about 35 years. (The history of India from 300 BC to 1700 AD, shows each king ruled for 40-45 years). So even after assuming a lower range of 35 years, one can say that Rama existed atleast 2000 years before Krishna. So Rama existed latest in 5100 BC and earliest in 7500 BC. (Dr. P. V. Vartak has calculated the birth date of Rama as 4th Dec 7323 BC.)
Dushyant’s contemporary Anaranya was Rama’s 40th ancestor. Thus Dushyant, must have existed @1200 years before Rama. That gives the time frame of 6300 BC - 8800 BC for Dushyant and his contemporaries: Parshuram, Vishwamitra, Vasishta and Bharat.
Anaranya, was the 62nd decendant of Manu. Thus Manu existed atleast 2000 years before Dushyant. So, Manu must have existed sometime between 8300 BC and 10,800 BC.
Note on position of planets:
During early times, it was not customary to keep a count of years. Panchang & Shaka came into being sometime in the last 5,000 years. Thus, the early Hindus gave the positions of Vernal equinox, Saptarshi & the planets to define exact time. This evidence from Ramayan and Mahabharat has been used to calculate the times for the events.
Note on the idol of Krishna found in Mohenjodaro:
Not only statue of Krishna, but also of Shiva and Durga were found. This means that the people in the Sarasvati-Sindhu valley considered Krishna & Shiva as their gods. Also the “Arya” Krishna existed before “Aryan Invasion” destroyed the Saraswati valley! Knock! Knock! Anything wrong in the Aryant Invasion Theory?
Note on the verse of Geeta on Egyptian Pyramid:
There are some scholars who say: This proves that Krishna learned his Geeta philosophy from the Egyptians!
Please note that only one verse of Geeta was found in Egypt, not the whole Geeta. Here it is:
ghrunnati naro parani
1 comment:
Great piece of information on 'True facts' about India, and very straight compositon of words...
Keep it up!
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